Scan InternationalScan InternationalScan International
+971 50 485 1753
Scan InternationalScan InternationalScan International

About Us

We are Scan International

Scan International Business Solutions FZ LLC is a firm providing Accounting & Bookkeeping Services, Tax Advisory and Business Consultancy. Our team of experienced professionals are from established backgrounds offering a wide range of expertise, having specialized experience in Accounting, Tax Consulting, and Corporate Finance Advisory Services.
Elevate your finances with cloud accounting precision.
Maximize returns, minimize stress – Expert tax planning tailored for your financial success.

Our Financial services

Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Journey. Trust Scan International for Expertise, Innovation, and Your Financial Well-being


We are very glad to get client review.

In our journey with Scan International, we experienced unparalleled professionalism and expertise. From the initial consultation to the implementation of tailored tax strategies, their team exhibited a level of dedication and attention to detail that truly set them apart.

Our Process

Through our four-step process, we align objectives, gather and anylize data deliver high-quality insights, and achieve meaningful outcomes. We are committed to providing exceptional value and driving your success at every stage of our consulting journey.

Why Choose Us?

Scan International offers unparalleled professional services, focused on our client’s objectives and needs. We take a structured approach to delivering our services, helping our clients execute activities that achieve their strategic goals. Our qualified professionals and specialized processes enable us to deliver exceptional value to our clients, as reflected in their testimonials and satisfaction.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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Business Construction
Business Coach
Finance 2
Corporate 1
Corporate 2
Corporate 3
Business 1
Business 2
Business 3
IT Solution
Tax Consulting
Human Resource
Life Coach
Finance RTL